About Us

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Daycare Center in Boise

Little Scribbles: The Story of a Local Daycare

Little Scribbles Learning Center owner Virginia Bohrn has been working with young children for over 20 years, gaining expertise in childcare methods. She has a passion for providing infant and toddler care in particular.

In 2022, the Little Scribbles Learning Center daycare center became available for purchase, and Virginia and her husband, Rod took this opportunity to follow a long-time dream. Virginia is excited to be able to continue providing excellent infant and child care as a local, small business owner.

Since Virginia took over, the teachers at Little Scribbles Learning Center have implemented an early childhood learning program with the babies and toddlers who are currently enrolled at the daycare center. This plan helps the children in their care to learn as much as possible, both socially and academically, setting their students up for life-long success.

Drop off and pick up at our early learning center is simple! We are close to the Eagle and Overland on-off ramps on I-84 next to the fire station.
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Infant and Toddler Care at Little Scribbles

Children are divided into two different groups by age. 0-18 months (Babies Group) and 18 months to 3 years (Littles Group.) The facility is designed with age-appropriate play areas for each group.

We provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the children each day, using a rotating monthly meal plan. For special dietary needs such as allergies and lactose intolerance, parents can provide ingredients and we’ll make the child’s food separately to prevent cross-contamination.

At Little Scribbles Learning Center, we keep the kids busy during the day–except for naptime, of course! Activities vary a little day by day, with weekly and monthly letters, numbers, and other themes. We do a lot of work packets and crafts, with activities handmade by Virginia. We don’t include screen time every day, but when we do it comes in 15-minute increments, one as part of wiggle time, and one as a “My Baby Can Read” lesson. Our total screen time is capped at 30 minutes a day. There are frequent shifts in activities throughout each day, to keep the little ones involved and learning.
For more about activities and education, look at 
our childcare philosophy page.
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About Our Daycare Facility in Boise: Keeping Up with Your Children

At Little Scribbles Learning Center, we employ a few resources to keep parents up-to-date on what is happening with their children. These resources include:
  • Procare: We use the Procare app, which allows parents to view reports each day. For example, diaper changes, meals, and any incident reports. This is also the app we use for payments, which provides flexible plans for parents to choose from.
  • Security: At our secure facility, we have an open-door policy for parents. There are webcams around the building that parents will be able to access when they want to check in on their children while going about their days.
  • Visiting: We have an open-door policy for parents, especially at drop-off and pick-up times.

In addition to these features, we also offer the following to help you get the safe, convenient child care that you and your children deserve:
  • Enrollment: We do full-day, up to full-time daycare. Drop-in daycare service is available for enrolled children, provided parents call ahead. Call Virginia Bohrn at (208) 375-3102 for further information.
  • Health: Bugs can travel fast in daycares and schools, and we want to keep the kids in our daycare center healthy. Our classroom and play area are cleaned frequently, and the building is routinely sanitized to prevent the spread of colds, flu, and COVID-19.
  • Certifications: Our facility and teachers are all licensed with the City of Boise. Teachers are CPR certified. We have also passed all of our health and fire safety inspections to date.

It’s not always easy to entrust your little ones to someone else. Little Scribbles Learning Center is committed to providing a loving, stimulating, and secure environment for your children to thrive in.

Get in Touch

Give us a call or send us a message using the form below.